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Case study: Driving a 70% Increase in Website Traffic for Cordros

Cordros is a prominent financial services company in Nigeria, offering a wide range of investment and asset management solutions to clients. Despite being a respected player in the industry, Cordros faced challenges in increasing their online visibility and attracting relevant traffic to their website.


Cordros approached Growthmax Africa, the leading SEO marketing agency in Nigeria, seeking to improve their online presence and drive organic traffic to their website. The primary goals were to enhance brand visibility, attract potential clients, and ultimately increase business revenue.

Cordros Case Study

Our team of experienced SEO specialists developed a comprehensive strategy tailored to Cordros’ specific needs:

  1. Keyword Research and Content Optimization:

   Conducted extensive keyword research to identify high-potential search terms relevant to Cordros’ services. Developed data-driven content optimization strategies to ensure the website’s pages were adequately targeting these keywords.

  1. On-Page SEO Enhancements:

   Conducted a thorough audit of Cordros’ website to identify and implement on-page SEO improvements. This involved optimizing meta titles, meta descriptions, headers, and URLs with targeted keywords.

  1. Technical SEO Improvements:

   Addressed technical issues, including website loading speed and mobile responsiveness, to improve user experience and search engine rankings.

  1. Link Building and Content Marketing:

   Implemented a strategic link-building campaign, acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable financial publications and relevant industry blogs. Additionally, we executed a content marketing strategy to create engaging and informative blog posts, attracting natural backlinks and driving traffic.

  1. Local SEO Enhancement:

   Optimized Cordros’ Google My Business listing to improve local search visibility, making it easier for potential clients to find the company’s services in their geographic location.

The Growthmax Africa team collaborated closely with Cordros, ensuring seamless implementation of the strategy. Regular progress reports and performance analyses were shared with the client to maintain transparency and demonstrate the impact of the SEO efforts.

The results achieved through the SEO engagement with Cordros were remarkable:

70% Increase in Website Traffic:  Over a span of six months, Cordros witnessed a substantial 70% increase in organic website traffic, significantly expanding their online reach and potential client base.

Enhanced Brand Visibility:  As a result of improved search engine rankings and content optimization, Cordros’ brand visibility experienced a considerable boost, positioning them as a leading financial services provider in Nigeria.

Higher Lead Generation: With increased website traffic came a surge in qualified leads, contributing to a growth in Cordros’ customer base.

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